Iowa State University's Veenker Memorial Golf Course Clubhouse is available for rent to both university and non-university users during the golfing "off season." Generally the "off season" runs from late Novembers through early March. 

Veenker Clubhouse Fall

Scheduling an Event

Facility availability, cost estimates and general booking information can be obtained by contacting Tess Balsley, Clubhouse Manager. 515-294-9493, 

We will work with each group individually to meet your specific needs and provide a unique and enjoyable setting for your event. 

The clubhouse space can seat 30 people maximum at round tables. There is additional space available for presentations and/or a speaker to set up.

Monday - Friday 7:00am - 3:00pm

Later November - Early March, golf season permitting

Additional hours may be available by arrangement.

$150.00 minimum for up to 2 hours of usage, $50.00 per hour thereafter

Payment must be made on the day of the event. University Intramural Purchase Orders, MasterCard, VISA, Discover, Checks and Cash are all accepted.

Various food and beverage choices are available. Several choices are available within the categories of morning kick start, mid-day snacks or light lunch. Pricing ranges from $5.00-$15.00 per person depending upon menu choices.